On Wednesday the Federal Reserve lifted its benchmark rate by a quarter of a percentage point. For those not paying attention to monetary policy, this is the second hike this year. As a small business owner or even a solopreneur paying attention to what the Fed does with rates is
“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will” – Suzy Kassem A couple of days ago I wrote about living a life of fear disguised as practicality. I realized that I had been allowing fear to keep me from doing what I really wanted to do in life. There is
We all approach things from our own unique point of view. We each have our own perspective based on the experiences we bring with us to a given situation. There is no time of year when this is more evident that during election season. Two people can view the same
I’ve often been guilty of doing what “I have to do” versus what I want to do. When this question was posed to me of “what would your ideal day look like”, frankly I was stumped. It had been so long since I took the time to think about what
A very dear friend reached out to tell me she was hosting a 14-Day Examine Your Why Challenge. I graciously accepted the challenge. Truth be told, this challenge came at a very good time for me. You see, I’ve fallen off the “why wagon”. My poor blog has been neglected.

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